a note

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Welcome to my site! This is my personal space on the internet disguised as an interactive and retrospective experience.

The concept behind this site is that I am exploring a house left behind for me by a metaphorical past self. You'll find everything you'd typically find on a site like this, an about page, a journal and blog. But, my hope is that you discover that information through little unexpected interactions.

Being able to treat this space with this narrative has allowed me to see the content that I produce as something valuable to the story when I might otherwise feel like it's mundane and inconsequential.

I've long been looking for a reason to use my computer in an enjoyable way, and not just a work way. Working on this project has allowed me to learn so many new things, and reignited a sense of excitement that feels hard to come by these days. I coded this website using my limited knowledge and a lot of googling. I'm proud that I was able to get it to a place where it functions simply and does everything I need it to.

⟵ put the note away